
Wenckebachweg Zuid

HOH Architecten developed the urban vision for Wenckebachweg Zuid on behalf of the Municipality of Ouder-Amstel. The planned area is situated on the border between the municipalities of Ouder-Amstel and Amsterdam, and both literally and figuratively intersects various urban networks, infrastructures, and spatial developments. Wenckebachweg Zuid, the most southern area of the street H.J.E. Wenckebachweg, will undergo a phased transformation from a traditional industrial area into a mixed-use residential and commercial district covering 78,000 square meters.


The plan possesses its own spatial and programmatic qualities while also harmonizing with the urban scale and scope of various developments in the immediate vicinity, such as the Bajeskwartier, Amstelkwartier, The Dialogue, and Weespertrekvaart. Furthermore, in a landscape context, the plan serves as a link with its surroundings. The new centrally located water structure connects the water bodies surrounding the former Bijlmerbajes prison and those of the city park De Slinger.


The planned area is divided in ownership, with the Municipality of Ouder-Amstel facilitating future development. The vision establishes the framework for development and is designed to be robust and flexible, with the principle that all plots can develop independently of each other. Simultaneously, each development contributes to the overall spatial quality, with public space taking precedence and forming the template for the building plots. Consequently, parts of plots will be narrowed to create wider street profiles or left undeveloped to be transformed into parks in exchange for development rights.


The base of the future building plots will be 12m or 18m high to create a liveable street environment at eye level, accommodating a mix of businesses, community facilities, offices, and townhouses. Atop the base, height accents are situated strategically, creating space for apartments. On the southern side of the planned area, one tower reaching 70m in height is proposed, serving as a counterpart to The State tower at the head of the Weespertrekvaart. Height accents of 35m and 50m are located on the periphery of the area, along the railway and the H.J.E. Wenckebachweg. The heart of the planned area remains at a maximum of 18m high and is designated for townhouses.


The roofs of the base feature green landscaping to enhance climate adaptability and biodiversity, while also improving the quality of residence and habitation. The floor between the base and the towers is reserved for collective programs or unique residential typologies, maximising the use of this elevated green ground accessible to all building users.


The large urban volumes are architecturally subdivided into smaller, legible volumes, each with its own articulation, rhythm, detailing, and materialisation. This architectural refinement contributes to a sense of scale reduction, enabling the planned area to be perceived more as a small town than a series of large buildings.

Location: Wenckebachweg, Municipality Ouder-Amstel, The Netherlands

Program: Housing (50-80%), Offices, Businesses, Community programs

Area: 78.000 m2

Client: Amsterdam Development, RJB Group

Public space: Sant & Co.

Consultants: Bureau Bouwfysica, Overdevest Installatieadviseurs, Van der Vorm Engineering

Status: Urban Vision, approved by municipality of Ouder-Amstel

Project team: Freyke Hartemink, Jarrik Ouburg, Carsten Hilgendorf, Frederique van Erven, Paul Ruhnau, Andrea Čeko, Mariaelena Scaglia, Pedro Magalhaes, Andreea Pirvan

Project date: 2017 – ongoing